Our team of registered nurses provide comprehensive consultations focused on addressing concerns such as reducing wrinkles, enhancing facial volume, laser skin treatments, collagen induction therapies, platelet-rich plasma therapy, and bio filler treatments.  During consultations, we carefully assess the suitability of each treatment for your individual needs. Please note that the information presented on this platform does not replace professional clinical consultations. For pricing on services not listed here, please contact our friendly concierge on phone or email.

Microneedling Jo - NurseMina - Senior Nurse
Full Face$170$290
Additional Area e.g. Back of Hands$50 per area$50 per area
Topical Anaesthetic $20$20
Fat Dissolving Treatment Mina - Senior NurseNicole - Head Nurse
Double Chin Fat Dissolving$790$850
PRP Treatment Mina - Senior NurseNicole - Head Nurse
Face or Scalp$620$670
Face or Scalp x 3 Pack$1,600$1,850
Face or Scalp + Microneedling$740$790
PRP + Microneedling x 3 Pack$1,800$2,100
Additional Area e.g. Neck, Decellotage$50 per area$50 per area
Bio Filler Treatment Mina - Senior NurseNicole - Head Nurse
10 - 14 ml Bio Filler$1,300$1,400
Laser TreatmentMina - Senior Nurse
Facial Laser Spot Treatment Only - 30 mins$350
Laser Treatment - 30 Minutes (1 area)$350
Laser Treatment - 45 Minutes (2 areas)$450
Laser Treatment - One Hour (3 areas)$520
Laser Genesis - 1 Area$350
Laser Genesis - 2 Areas$420
Laser Genesis - 3 Areas$480
Laser Genesis - ADD ON $70
Green Genesis - ADD ON for redness$70
Leg Veins - 45 Minutes $600

For pricing on services not listed here, please contact our friendly concierge on phone or via email.